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Let Chatfield Drilling be your geotechnical or environmental drilling partner.  The benefits of using Chatfield include:


  • Highly flexible scheduling and short drilling lead times

  • A professionally maintained rig fleet and support equipment

  • Long tenured and experienced drillers possessing training in OSHA HAZWOPER and formal subsurface investigation

  • ODOT and PennDOT prequalification

  • A support staff to support complex projects, to manage contract obligations, and to invoice in a timely manner


Commercial Service



Chatfield Drilling offers a variety of geo-tech services to meet your needs. These include rock coring, soil borings, piezometer well installation, dewatering, test pit excavation / infiltration testing, and inclinometer installation. Sampling techniques include Standard Penetration Test (SPT), split-spoon, and thin-wall Shelby tube. We are ODOT and PennDOT pre-qualified drilling contractors and maintain current auto-hammer calibrations.


​Project types and drilling methods include:

  • Split-spoon / SPT sampling, Shelby tube sampling, rock coring (wire-line and conventional), test pit excavation & infiltration testing

  • Capabilities for mud-rotary drilling in saturated and heaving soils

  • Limited access drilling (indoor capability)


Chatfield Drilling provides a multitude of industrial services. These include commercial water treatment installation and O&M, complex pump control systems, tank anode installation, light excavation, and many other services.


​Commercial water and environmental well services include packer testing, mechanical & chemical well rehabilitation, dual-lens camera investigation to 1000’ depth, well abandonment, and ODNR / PA DEP permit support



Our OSHA HAZWOPER-trained drillers can support all your environmental needs. This includes soil sampling, well installation, well abandonment, chemical injection, and carbon-bed exchanges.  We are certified well drillers in PA, OH, NY, and WV.


Techniques include direct-push, macro-tube coring, hollow-stem augering, and air-rotary drilling.


​​Project types include: 

  • Extraction & monitor well installation, Phase II site investigation, sub-grade chemical injection, remediation system installation, and well abandonment

  • Methods utilized include: hollow-stem auger drilling, direct-push borings with Geoprobes, air-rotary and down-hole hammer drilling, and pre-pack well installation

Proudly Serving Western Pennsylvania & NE Ohio

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